Tribal Council
The Hannahville Tribal Council is the governing body of the community. They are responsible for general oversight of the community operations.
Because the community has grown enormously over past two decades, much of the day-to-day oversight has been delegated to various Boards of Directors. The Tribal Council, however, has the final say in just about every aspect of community operations. It has retained and will always have full control of creating the community’s laws and ordinances, policies and procedures and laying out of the direction of the community’s future.
All Tribal Council and Board members are elected by the members of the community. The Tribal Council members remain in office for a period of three years while each of the other Board members are elected yearly. Tribal Elections are held annually the 1st Monday of May.
Tribal Council business meetings are held on the first Monday of every month beginning at 10:00 am in the Tribal Council Chambers in the Administration Building. All dates and times are subject to change. Due to confidentiality reasons, some meetings may have closed sessions.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Hannahville Indian Community is to provide tribal members, and their descendants, with the best quality of life: create a work environment that fosters respectful, responsible, and dedicated employees, and maintain consistent profitability and success.
Kenneth Meshigaud
Elaine Meshigaud
Vice Chairperson
Anna Larson
Lisa Little
John Meshigaud
Robin Halfaday
Tammy Meshigaud
Christopher Halfaday
Amanda Hess
1st Alternate
2nd Alternate
Council Meeting Minutes
Council Meeting Video Clips
2/6/2023 Council Meeting
3/6/2023 Council Meeting
3/31/2023 Council Meeting
05/01/2023 Council Meeting
5/15/2023 Council Meeting
6/5/2023 Council Meeting
7/10/2023 Council Meeting
8/07/2023 Council Meeting
9/11/2023 Council Meeting
10/02/2023 Meeting
11/06/2023 Meeting
12/18/2023 Council Meeting
1/8/2024 Council Meeting
5/6/2024 Council Meeting
2/5/2024 Council Meeting
6/3/2024 Council Meeting
3/27/2024 Council Meeting
4/1/2024 Council Meeting